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How Long O Lord ?

My first appointment as a Methodist Minister saw me based in St Ives Cambridgeshire where I had pastoral charge of five churches. The Ecumen...

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Christmas services and beyond

One of my favourite services has always been midnight communion Christmas eve. As a student returning home I would go along to a local Anglican church as very few of the local methodist churches held one. In my early days of ministry I would drive out to my Hilton chapel in Cambridgeshire , the roads very empty and a sense of expectation in the air. Again it always seemed very special and the focus very different from a Christmas morning service. It's not about presents or food , just a moment to reflect on a God loving the world and all very vulnerable.
This year again worship down at out Pitsmoor church had that lovely feeling of expectation as we passed from christmas eve to christmas day , and bread broken and wine poured, and the mystery continues.

Christmas day at Firth Park was great as well with our two congregations gathering, and as the service progressed, and more joined us over 120, it felt to me like the gathering of the nations. Now thats an image to hold onto, peoples of the world  coming together because of Jesus.  

Then it was time to travel to London to spend the rest of  the day with family especially our grand daughter. Though she had lots of presents she didnt need any , 

Time for a cuddle out on a walk what more does a granddad need?

Well the holiday time soon moves on and back to routine and life in Sheffield.

The battle to save trees is an ongoing issue and good to see the protest outside the town hall.

The council really have misjudged this one. It can only be hoped that sense will prevail. Yet its good to see that the city of Sheffield that has always been a place of protest against injustice is alive and kicking. Especially in these uncertain times.

It was good in our staff meeting to worship and think ahead and symbolically express our thoughts, dreams and concerns. Laying them before both cross and candle.

  In sharing what they meant we learnt so much about one another. Being in community is of course about that willingness to  be open to another so we can grow closer together. Its not about agreeing. Its  about in love holding the tensions and not falling out. In a world of uncertainity when language used is so designed to divide. The Jesus community needs to be a cause of hope that walls do not have to be built because wallking and living Jesus life people can with justice live together. 

So a Christmas day service with people from around the world becomes the reality of what God is doing.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Nativity and Christingles

The nativity set has come in very useful this year.

At Firth Park we sought to make the link between Christmas and Easter with our nativity communion. Building up the scene with various members of the congregation and holding onto the fact our shared faith story does not stop at the manger.

No need for fancy  clothes / costumes just ordinary people for whom God comes and believes in. Well ordinary people do extraordinary things every day especially when they know their creator believes in their potential.

Then at St Peters from the nativity we moved into our christingles being shared but not before the young children showed they knew what following Jesus really means. Forget fancy talk of what we believe, rather how do you show love? Well without prompt they moved to hug people , family, friends and strangers . Yes Jesus did say 'unless you become as little children.....' Did he not mean they get it. To follow is to do rather than talking about doing, 

So already for me some special services to prepare afresh for  the news that God comes to be one with us.

The hard working team just chilling at the deep car band evening. 

Monday, 5 December 2016

A variety of experiences

Well the scene was all set for the visit of year 1 from Hinde House school.

They were coming to find out why christians celebrate Christmas. So one class in the morning and one in the afternoon. Extremely well behaved and fun to be with. Of course at their young age the building itself had a wow factor , plus the usual off the wall questions ' how many lights are there?  Just normal inquistive minds. We explored the advent ring and then the christingle and they all went home with a christingle kit less the orange.

So what a delight to be in school today Monday leading assemblies for key stage one and key stage  two. In came year one with hello Mark and three of the many christingles they had made.

So we played a pass the parcel  game to talk about christmas and had Jesus Christmas party story.

Then it was onto key stage 2 and again lots of familiar faces , not least year four who had visited the church earlier in the year.

Its a wonderful diverse school and I Look forward to going in next week for the key stage 1 nativity which the children had been keen to tell me all about.

In between these events we took the opportunity to visit the victorian market on Saturday down on Kelham Island.

It was a really busy event and amazing we had never been before. We even managed a couple of christmas presents .....

Set within and around the industrial museum the atmosphere was great. Next year we will have to go along early evening to gain a different  perspective and perhaps then a glass of mull wine will seem appropriate 11am was just a bit too early.

Well tonight we  held our BB Christmas informal service. Great turn out filling our hall with the  youngsters and parents. With a couple of carols, the making of advent dice telling the story, and an improvised nativity a good time was had followed of course with food.