Then an evening stroll along the cliff path to
the Cadgwith Inn. A great fish meal at the end of which we could listen to the local Cadgwith Singers entertain in the bar as they do each Friday night.
Then it was the long journey home thankfully broken up the the diversion to our middle daughter's home near Oxford. Staying overnight meant that as our Son in law has taken on another organist job at Deddington Parish church a visit was requited to check the place out.
Always good to see how Churches convert their premises to make them usable. This one can hold a market inside, concerts and live streams its worship.
Sunday morning meant Jill could go to worship at Christchurch Oxford where Jonathan was playing for the service.
Finally we made it home Sunday evening and a week of catching up before the final event of the summer which took us north.
Good friends from our days in Leigh-on Sea, Joe and Mary, were celebrating their Golden wedding anniversary.
Thankfully the sun shone and on arrival we found ourselves as expected amongst familiar faces from our past.
I had married John and Jill, their son and daughter in-law.
Then there was Trevor and Gill whose daughter Emma, I had officiated at her wedding. Then another Jill whose dads funeral I had taken.
Before I knew it I was reliving my past and hearing everyones news.
So back to leading worship on the first Sunday of the new Methodist Year.
In particular, it was a wonderful time with the morning Firth Park Congregation joining our afternoon family worship centre congregation. We made our covenant promises together, having begun to explore what our future together might look like. It's the beginning of a process of exploration of how we can serve more effectively by pooling our resources. To see such diversity of age, race and styles worshipping was a little miracle. Today perhaps we had a glimpse of what Jesus hoped for when he prayed 'that they might be one as we are one'