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How Long O Lord ?

My first appointment as a Methodist Minister saw me based in St Ives Cambridgeshire where I had pastoral charge of five churches. The Ecumen...

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Books to read and Spectre

Havng just completed 'love for the future a journey' by David Osborne I wholeheartedly recommend this as a very good read. He reflects as he uses his walk/ pilgrimage from his home in Cheshire to Iona. He walks and connects up places that have been important to his life and understanding. This is a really excellent thought provoking read. With his understanding of the environment shining through and our need to act. But it is much much more as he encourages thinking about how we are or are not connected to people and places. Just for me walking from my home to our church at Firth Park does, helped by the pace of walking, to connect these two places in a way that does not happen when I drive. Then there are the people you see, smile at or even share a word another form of connecting. Then to walk is to see the environment as it is with beauty and the rubbish littering the spaces . It all stirs up real thoughts and emotions. This is s book to read again to absorb more fully the gems within. Second good read 

Chris's  book provides a whole series of spiritual snap shots by a range of people . Individually they are partial but together they provide such a rich diverse tapestry it too is a book that stretches my thinking as it what really is spirituality.

So what do you do when it's a wet day ? You all go to see the latest James Bond film. Filled with usual gadgets, violence, fast cars and baddies. Not as good as 'Sky fall' but a reasonable story line as bond films go. 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Days out

Trip 1
I haven't been to an IKEA store for ages but found myself there as we sought out a few items for daughter number three and her flat. I guess one day we will stop laying out finance for our children but no sign yet! Still all good fun. Now all we need is to move her in later this week no doubt we will have a full car of goods and need for energy at the other end to put the recently purchased goods together. But thats later in the week.

Trip 2
A visit to the hospital and the audiology department to get my hearing aid sorted. A training scientist meant did I mind a full hearing check? Of course not. No deterioration good news and a new hearing aid means I don't have to keep taking it out to check the battery to make it work. I certainly have been getting my money out of the health service recently. I can only hope I give going to the hospitals a good long break now, well,apart from visiting ill church members.

Trip 3
Today Jill and I drove over to Lincoln to see how Eric and Mary and the family from Ghana are settling in. Wonderful to see them all and to receive hugs from Suzzane and Jehu. School and college appears to be going well in these early weeks. Eric is full of ideas for the churches and I am sure his enthusiasm will go along way in helping to move things on. Chatting took me back to my recent time in Asebu and to receive the greetings of those I have begun to get to know there not least my farmer. Mary made us palm soup so Jill could taste for her self what I had experienced. That taste took me back to my farmer and his small village. How he had cut the palm down which was made into soup later that day. Then again it reminded me of the wonderful oranges he gave me from his trees, and of leading worship in the part built church he attends, and giving him communion. Good to know that money sent has meant the building work has recommenced and I pray I will be able to send more. 
There was good news that someone agreed to pay for the drilling of a bore hole about £2,000 which means clean water for the manse and church at Asebu, and for the new toilets with the potential for a small buisness sellng clean fresh water.  
Well being reminded of all of this helps to reorientate my thinking when caught up in the niggles of church life here. I know its possible that a difference can be made for peoples lives and yes I thank God I have been enabled to do so. 
One of the things I have learnt slowly over the years is to understand what Mr Wesley meant by 'go to those who need you the most' People have to want you to work with them and if they don't you take up the  advice of Jesus himself and 'shake off the dust on your shoes and move on.'
Of course discerning this is not easy but its a vital part of the Christians tool kit, and especially being a minister. 

Now a couple of days not travelling before we move our daughter  to London so its chill out time.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Going round in circles

My visit to dad found him having lost weight and looking more frail. The usual push out in a wheelchair to the pub for a cup of tea and coffee . It gets him out into the fresh air which is better than being stuck inside all day. The conversation of family news interspersed with total nonsense from him. Little by little he is withdrawing in his head to another place. I found I have to laugh as a way of dealing with it. Just thankful that he is looked after well. The travelling as always then leaves me tired and a bit brain dead.
On my return I pick up info about a meeting looking at the placing of our staff resources in the circuit . I find I despair of ever getting to that place of a just sharing of resources . Going round in circles and banging ones head against a wall. That's how it feels. Good job it's half term and a few days out not least to help daughter number three prepare to move to London and start her job. With them all going South you can't help but think about doing the same to be near them. Not so easy as a Methodist minister . With our system you could just as well end up further north. 

At least the pumpkin is ready to be eaten!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Hospital again and toddler group

Sitting once more in hospital waiting to have a US Transoesophageal echo test . So a tube down the throat to get a better structural image of my heart. This is the last test after that nothing. Hoping they won't need to give me a form of sedation as I need to get Jill from work, do a funeral visit and drive to see dad tomorrow. So order of the day is relax.
I think it's noticeable that while I am holding to my new routine of work I have not been finding time to update the blog.
So here goes. 
I had a brilliant day on Tuesday when I went over to Mosborough Methodist Church to meet the parents, carers and toddlers who had been so generous in supporting my appeal for Ghana. So it was a chance to say thank you. To show pictures  and then chat to adults and children. I couldn't resist telling a story to the little ones and joined in their song time . A great morning . They have a great  group with some loyal workers making it happen week by week.

Then had a good evening with two local preacher tutors and three students which gave me a real buzz of a day.

I would like to report that every day has been like that but sadly not. The usual frustrations of some church gatherings leave me still amazed by how faithful folk are in the face of some refusing to change.Sitting  still talking about getting new chairs after nearly seven years leaves me cold. Does it really matter? Well yes because people of the inner city deserve the best.

Good news daughter number three is now registered as a social worker and once the papers come through she can start work. So we will be sad she will be leaving home, but delighted for her as she is ready to start now after the end of her masters. Of course we will get to go to another degree ceremony in the new year. So proud parents once agan. 

The good news for our circuit is two probationer appointments have been approved for September 2016. So we have just one appointment to fill in this years stationing process . Added to this I am hoping a lay pastor will be appointed to one of my churches for January which is good for the churches concerned, and a reduction of my pastoral load which will be good for  me.

So sitting waiting in the northern general and if nothing else it means I can't do anything else. But not having been able to drink for hours leaves me gasping for a cup of tea . And then afterwards if all goes smoothly I still have to wait and only sip a few drops of water till muscles on throat feel right after the anaesthetic. Still always good to learn about these things from the patient perspective . 

Well its late evening now havng had a good funeral visit for a lovely lady from one of our churches. 99 years of life and so glad I had been able to take communion with Lizzie to her a couple of weeks ago. She was a bright, sharp intelligent and loving woman.   Tomorrow its a trip over to see dad.

I have to say the  US Transoesophageal echo test must go down as the most unpleasant thing I have ever had. The staff were great and helped to keep me calm but it was not easy and I have a right sore throat. The good news is my heart looks fine,  no cholesterol. So as the consultant said very unlikely to have another stroke. Something to give thanks for as I go to bed and restful sleep. 

So to end a favourite prayer from my evening compline service.

Eternal God and Father, under whose mighty and  gracious protection all our days are spent, we thank you for the mercies of the day that is now past; for any good examples we may have seen ; for any good words we may have heard or read; for all holy thoughts and right desires which your Holy Spirit has this day put into our minds. O Lord, grant that these may not be unfruitful in us, but may work in us that for which you sent them; for Jesus Christ's sake . Amen.