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How Long O Lord ?

My first appointment as a Methodist Minister saw me based in St Ives Cambridgeshire where I had pastoral charge of five churches. The Ecumen...

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Books to read and Spectre

Havng just completed 'love for the future a journey' by David Osborne I wholeheartedly recommend this as a very good read. He reflects as he uses his walk/ pilgrimage from his home in Cheshire to Iona. He walks and connects up places that have been important to his life and understanding. This is a really excellent thought provoking read. With his understanding of the environment shining through and our need to act. But it is much much more as he encourages thinking about how we are or are not connected to people and places. Just for me walking from my home to our church at Firth Park does, helped by the pace of walking, to connect these two places in a way that does not happen when I drive. Then there are the people you see, smile at or even share a word another form of connecting. Then to walk is to see the environment as it is with beauty and the rubbish littering the spaces . It all stirs up real thoughts and emotions. This is s book to read again to absorb more fully the gems within. Second good read 

Chris's  book provides a whole series of spiritual snap shots by a range of people . Individually they are partial but together they provide such a rich diverse tapestry it too is a book that stretches my thinking as it what really is spirituality.

So what do you do when it's a wet day ? You all go to see the latest James Bond film. Filled with usual gadgets, violence, fast cars and baddies. Not as good as 'Sky fall' but a reasonable story line as bond films go. 

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