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Saturday, 28 November 2015

Pig in a day

What a fun time I have had having at last taken up my christmas present from last year of a cookery course.

I had chosen the 'Pig in a Day' course offered at The Milestone, on Kelham Island.
With eight others we had the delight of getting to grips with a number of cooking opportunities. We started of course in a civilised manner with coffee before the chef demonstrated how to cut up half a pig. So all the various joints were explained from pigs trotter, a hock, tenderloin etc. Then it was down to carefully taking of a piece of  skin  from what would be our bacon, and slicing, seasoning and it became some very tasty pork scratchings. 
Then it was on to cooking our lunch a piece of fillet which though I do so say myself tasted wonderful.

Here it is in the pan and then

plated up. Most civilsed lunch with a glass of red.

Then it was onto making black pudding, marrinading our bacon that needs 48 hours vacuum packed,  then sausages which though they did not look totally neat tasted amazing.

Finally we plated up a slice of our own blackpudding with attempted touches to make it look professional.

Well I tried ! 

So while the rain fell it was a great Saturday of cooking. 


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