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How Long O Lord ?

My first appointment as a Methodist Minister saw me based in St Ives Cambridgeshire where I had pastoral charge of five churches. The Ecumen...

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Easter Day

Well two Easter morning services. Hatfield House Lane being an early morning communion made earlier by the clocks moving forward . 

Then onto Firth Park where someone had not put their clock forward so arrived late.

It was great to see all ages and races gathered to celebrate the good news of Easter Day. 

So starting with tying strips of wool to our boys brigade cross of nails, a piece of wool to acknowledge something new learnt through Holy Week. To then reflecting on where we might find the risen Jesus today. Among children, the poor , the people on the edge. 
Then we transformed a cross into a symbol of hope and beauty with flowers .

A great way to end what had been a challenging and insightful Holy Week . So we broke bread and wine and again God in Christ makes us one.
Good news
He is Risen - He is Risen Indeed 

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Surprising thngs

When we had the new electric doors installed .....

We just looked forward to them working which they do now. 
When the electrician asked why didn't you just have a single door we did wonder.

Then on Good Friday with the noon day sun shining we had an answer.

It made me smile,  and I love to think God has a sense of humour. We pray all who enter in and out these doors will find welcome, acceptance and perhaps God.

From here to eternity

One of the things I enjoy most is writing material and enabling people to creatively in their own way engage with the Christian story.

So Good Friday evening created the time and St Peters Ellesmere the space to do so.

Following footsteps ( footsteps of Jesus)  through the building  people were able to travel at their own pace. At each stage they collected a stone to remind them of what baggage we accumulate in our lives and  which weigh us down.

From creation and how do we care about it

To a powerpoint reflecting on Incarnation. The God who in Jesus becomes one with us, whose image we bear.

Then it was time to move and reflect on what Jesus taught people throughout his ministry.

Tme to put on a 'post it note' what you thought was most important, and add it to those around the Baptismal Font. People spent a long time here..... What would you consider to be Jesusmost important   teaching?

Now time to move into the final week of Jesus life. Pick up a Palm cross and image you are the centre of attention. How distracting is it to be liked? How do you stay focused on the goal?

Turning yet again the journey moves to the Last supper a gift of bread and wine which should be a sign of our unity. Sadly communion is a time of disunity as the church of Christ has not yet arrived at the place of an open table for all.  Perhaps the bowl and towel reminding us that as Jesus served his disciples it might take us to a more open attitude of serving one another.

Then people found themselves in the courtyard. Jesus is inside being falsely accused and sentenced to death. You are outside recalling times when you would rather not be associated with Jesus, just like Peter who denied his friend three times....so put on the mask and pretend. 

Now the footsteps of Jesus takes you to the cross. The sound ofhaunting   music and your own  hammering of a nail into the cross very stark.

 Then you arrive at the tomb late on Friday night....

So is that it? Jesus is dead and buried.

One more stage this evening. To go out and look at yourself in a mirror and pour out your stones onto the ground. 

 Then it was out into the night air to wait as a precious child of God the good news of Easter Day. 
This year it will come sooner with the clocks going forward an hour. 
Then we can declare ' He is risen'  ' He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!' 

Good Friday

The weather was most kind to us for our procession of Witness in Firth Park and outdoor service.

 Getting set up in the sunshine and the portable wifi sound system came into its own with no trailing wires.

Then it was time to go to the old library to begin our silent procession of witness stopping to reflect on Jesus as Youngster, a healer, a challenger and someone concerned about little ones. So Library , surgery, Bank and childrens centre appropriate places to pause.


At least one couple not happy we were blocking their way but we smiled. Its good to challenge people with our presence and just maybe what this day is about.

On towards the Church and service 

Its amazing to be able to preach outdoors with passers by, buses and folk looking on, and the refuse collectors taking a very close look.
And we couldn't do it without our own musician.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Maundy Thursday

St Peters set up ready for our Maundy meal. A time when as minister I get the opportunity to create an opportunity for others to participate and not do the work. A reminder of how Jesus washed his disciples feet and called them to be servants. 

Once gathered with candle light, songs sung , a simple meal, breaking bread and sharing wine it was time to move away from the table. Moving into the darkness with just a candle to imagine being in the garden and Jesus praying . Then to slip away into the night.

Tomorrow people will have opportunity to walk behind the cross in processions of witness. In the evening at St Peters, Ellesmere 7pm time to walk a path from here to eternity. All are welcome .

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Church building schemes

I always said I wouldn't get involved in another building scheme when I left my last appointment to come and live in Sheffield. But here I am with an amazing church community in the inner city  seeking to transform a listed building ( and whoever put the listing on should have been shot!) .

We have two congregations. Our morning is multicutural drawn from countries around the world, Thailand, Malaysia, iraq, Carribean oh and some people from Yorkshire. While our afternoon congregation comes mainly from the continent of Africa bringing afresh vibrancy. Then we have two boy brigade companies which are growing with great leadership, 'Food for thought' offering great value meals and company for many senior people, an entertainemnet s group who produce plays and Pantos,  over 800 came through the doors last time) , mid week communion and a food bank, an open youth group, a nursery and much more. We are a vibrant and great church community to be a part of and we are at the centre of a community- The Church on the roundabout. 

Yet its not easy finding our way forward in making our buildings fit for the 21st century as the Methodist Conference has urged our church buildings across the country to become. Slightly annoying then when our own connexional conservation officer is the one who appears to not get this. More concerned about what sort of chairs we will replace pews with, than the fact that unless we get the traditional worship space transformed to help generate income we won't have a church community left.

None the less we continue to make progress with new external doors so the world knows we are open. A new church  office and prayer chapel so we can serve the community is just being completed. We pray that our scheme to give Firth Park its own bespoke soft play centre as well as a modern worship space which can be used for other gatherings will come to fruition. All we need is for our bids for grants to  be accepted and our fundraising to be blessed. 

Who knows who reads this blog? Perhaps  you a complete stranger might hear the cry from the inner city facing up to challenging issues and want to help if so drop us an e.mail at firthparkmethodistchurch@gmail.com better still come and visit.

We are not posh we don't have lots of money. The people we serve are some of the poorest in the country and disadvantaged. Yet our congregation is amazing with their time and generosity as they serve the wider community.
So though its tough and I'd rather not spend time on a redevelopment project I believe somewhere in it  all God us calling us to be a place of welcome, acceptance and service. To transform lives and give people hope. So I press on as I see signs of God's kingdom in this place.  

The Boss and the importance of influencing others

Jill my wife has sometimes said who has influnced you? Often I struggle to answer that but this past week I know afresh one person who has.

Wednesday saw me travelling to Lincolnshire and Alford crematorium. 

When as a youngster I moved from Sunday School to Sunday worship something most of my contemporaries never did. Phylda invited me to be a Junior Church steward. I was to do the role properly. It was not paying lip serviceto involving   young people. So I had to do the job correctly and attend church councils etc. 

What the 'Boss' did as I affectionately called her was to nurture me through my teenage years in the life of the church. Without realisng it she was one of the biggest influnces on my faith. So when she died age 93 I had to rearrange my diary to be there. It was both a sad time but joyful. As her story was told I discovered she went to the same secondary school as I did in Skegness ( obviously well before my time!). I was really touched when one individual talking about her life mentioned me. To meet up with people I havent seen for years was amazing not least her daughter Janet. Janet made me smile as she said mum loved getting my letters but kept saying ' he's doing too much' . Well to listen to her life you might say she did a lot as well not least how she touched my life and nurtured my faith. It's been a reminder about how important it is that we nurture each other on our journey of faith. Right to the end she would recite Psalm 121 I lift up mine eyes to the hills ........My help comes from the Lord. Yes indeed it did and does.

Boy's Brigade - what a great night we had

Monday night and 70 young people and parents gathered for a  time of fun and worship.
With a couple of songs we prepared ourselves for Holy Week. After a warm up song we reminded ourselves of Palm Sunday and the journey to the cross. Time to reflect on what we need to put right or let go of.  The physical action of hammering nails to the cross an expression of our hopes.

Then time to make an Easter card that reminds us we go from sadness to joy.

Then it was time for a competition to make a mummy which was declared a draw.

Great laughter before we touched on the reality of Jesus dying on a cross and our belief in the resurrection. A plug to join us on the Good Friday procession of witness 10.15 from Firth Park old library. All ending with a song, prayer and a gift of an Easter egg.

I don't know who enjoyed it more the parents, young people or me. I just had a wonderful time. It's  good news for our church life at Firth Park Methodist - The church on the roundabout.