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How Long O Lord ?

My first appointment as a Methodist Minister saw me based in St Ives Cambridgeshire where I had pastoral charge of five churches. The Ecumen...

Saturday, 26 March 2016

From here to eternity

One of the things I enjoy most is writing material and enabling people to creatively in their own way engage with the Christian story.

So Good Friday evening created the time and St Peters Ellesmere the space to do so.

Following footsteps ( footsteps of Jesus)  through the building  people were able to travel at their own pace. At each stage they collected a stone to remind them of what baggage we accumulate in our lives and  which weigh us down.

From creation and how do we care about it

To a powerpoint reflecting on Incarnation. The God who in Jesus becomes one with us, whose image we bear.

Then it was time to move and reflect on what Jesus taught people throughout his ministry.

Tme to put on a 'post it note' what you thought was most important, and add it to those around the Baptismal Font. People spent a long time here..... What would you consider to be Jesusmost important   teaching?

Now time to move into the final week of Jesus life. Pick up a Palm cross and image you are the centre of attention. How distracting is it to be liked? How do you stay focused on the goal?

Turning yet again the journey moves to the Last supper a gift of bread and wine which should be a sign of our unity. Sadly communion is a time of disunity as the church of Christ has not yet arrived at the place of an open table for all.  Perhaps the bowl and towel reminding us that as Jesus served his disciples it might take us to a more open attitude of serving one another.

Then people found themselves in the courtyard. Jesus is inside being falsely accused and sentenced to death. You are outside recalling times when you would rather not be associated with Jesus, just like Peter who denied his friend three times....so put on the mask and pretend. 

Now the footsteps of Jesus takes you to the cross. The sound ofhaunting   music and your own  hammering of a nail into the cross very stark.

 Then you arrive at the tomb late on Friday night....

So is that it? Jesus is dead and buried.

One more stage this evening. To go out and look at yourself in a mirror and pour out your stones onto the ground. 

 Then it was out into the night air to wait as a precious child of God the good news of Easter Day. 
This year it will come sooner with the clocks going forward an hour. 
Then we can declare ' He is risen'  ' He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!' 

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