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How Long O Lord ?

My first appointment as a Methodist Minister saw me based in St Ives Cambridgeshire where I had pastoral charge of five churches. The Ecumen...

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Strike and our country retreat

We have an amazing NHS and so I tooted my car horn to show solidarity with the Junior doctors on strike. Of course it's a risky thing to go out on strike when you are dealing with people's health. Yet sometimes you get pushed into a course of action and it is the only thing you can do. Having experienced the need for care at a weekend it does beg the question ' have we not already a seven day week NHS? I can't but help perceive a politically motivated attitude is ignoring the reality on the ground . Bit like the drive towards academies . If as we are told most schools are good or outstanding and that's happened under LEA control why waste money on academies ? 

Clearly time to get away so a night away to our country retreat . That's our middle daughter home. Greated by Meg who appeared to recognise me! Or was it just she wanted her food bowl filling ? Is this not the man who came to look after us ? Perhaps he will give me food if I look welcoming ?

Monday, 18 April 2016

Epworth and the home of the Wesleys

After many years it was time for Jill to visit this famous Methodist hot spot!

It was clear on our arrival that not many people were expected at Epworth vicarage. When we asked for light refreshments on arrival we were told there was the possibility of a cup of tea but no biscuits or we could  go to the bakers and have a pasty warmed up. This was a cue to turn round and find sustenance elsewhere before what we assumed would be a relatively short time looking  round  the old vicarage. 

Coffee and cake duly consumned we returned fortified for our visit. On payment yes we would gift aid! And then I asked the fatal question have you got a guide. I meant a booklet. 'Oh yes I will get you one when I Take you over to the house' was the reply. 

On entering the hallowed hall we discovered no written guide as the lady went into a room and brought out Peter our guide. Introducing himself, and we did the same, it transpired he had been a member at one of my current churches. He announced the tour would take one hour and five minutes. Our hearts sank. 

So began a very personal interpretation of the home of the Wesleys and the inhabitants. Trying to remain focussed and polite we were in fact trying to look at the various objects in the rooms and read information. This did not apparantly fit with how the tour should go. Fearing to answer questions asked of us in case we got them wrong or a test at the end, we had to at times feign ignorance about John Charles and co which was not easy for me. 

At one point we were asked what we knew about John's love life. My response was 'he was a very naughty boy' 'well it depends what you mean by that' was his retort. Even Mr Wesley himself looked bored. 

Gazing at the famous picture of John 'a brand plucked from the fire' I just wished I could be plucked away. 

Is it a comode? No its what every minister needs to carry his bible on his horse. 

The famous Suzanna Wesley who had much to put up with as her vicar husband was not the most popular clergymen the people of the parish had ever had. Nothing new there then. 

So true to his word a good hour and five minutes the tour concluded. And not an American tourist in sight.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Looking out

The comment has so often been it looks closed. Well the new doors lets the light flood in and says we are open for business .

But it's not just about being open. It's about the world we look out on which God in Christ calls us to serve .

The glass of the new doors means we can see our community on the roundabout. 
We may have a USP ( unique selling point) Good news in Jesus Christ. But it's the world out there we are called to listen to. The world out there that we are called to serve. So we are no longer physically closed up as a building. Now we need to show by how we serve we are not closed up as people to the needs of this great part of Sheffield. 

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Post Easter rest

Well after a busy Easter week and multiple Easter day services its always good to have a few days rest!  Well that is if you haven't offered to paint your future grand childs nursery and daughter and son in law bedroom which had been freshly re plastered.
So a trip to London saw three days of full on decorating.

And finally I had the pleasure of putting the cot bed and changing unit together .

So just new carpets and curtains and all will be ready......

So on coming home I did feel just a wee bit tired and wondering when I would get some holiday. No I lie it was great fun though exhausting, but not as exhausting as my daughter and son in law will discover when the baby is born.