Even allowing for the press taking sound bites and catching a photo and implying it says more , you can't ignore the words and actions that play on peoples fears and promote both fear and even hatred to others, The latest action of Donald Trump to exculde refugees, and even US citizens, speaks of a paranoia that is now driving the new American administration.
There are amusing moments this tweet of a photo says so much ...
You have to wonder how the Queen copes with her royal duties after all she has had to sit with dictators in all their forms, even elected ones!!!
I think what really riles me is the way God is invoked to give approval for actions which are inherently un God like. You know 'look after the widow , orphan and refugee' The constant reference to God feeds off the weird American idea that somehow their land is special in the eyes of God. So dismantling a health care system will impact on the poor, how is that heaven blessed? Or refusing entry to many from certain parts of the world, many of which are the very same places where ill conceived wars have played out and produced the refugee crisis in the first place, by the very same USA and ourselves, this is a scandal.
What is also scary is the fact I am conscious that many of the views now being expressed by the President are echoed in our own British society. Even more worrying sometimes within church communities. The rise again of nationalism under the banner of being patrotic recalls a very dark time in european history. So we have to work even harder at walking in the footsteps of a Jewish Rabbi who challenged the nationalism of his own day. We have to stay faithful to a compassion that is for all people. We have to be generous with what we have for it is already a gift to us by a loving generous God. Such generosity calls us to share.
I guess Jesus wasn't really concerned with how many turned up for the feeding of the five thousand! He was more concerned those that did were fed. But then he was humble and it wasn't about him . It was about people who all had needs to be be met. So Mr Trump get off your ego trip. It's not about you its about everyone but you, and how as a leader you make sure that everyone is included, welcome and accepted. But please don't evoke God as backing your plans and actions , God has his own plan and is sticking to it. God is planning to redeem the world and is doing so with Love. It's costly and tough and it most certainly is for everyone.
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