It was great to welcome Hinde House year 5's to church to explore how the church handles through rituals - death. At first it could appear to be a bit of a challenge. But by sharing about how we tell stories we looked at this sensitive issue and one that will affect us all. Then the youngsters had opportunity to put their own life stories so far on small crosses. Of course we ran out of time but what a delight to walk into assembly on Monday morning to receive them all to bring back to church to share on Easter morning.
One of the ongoing highlights I find in ministry is the opportunity to work with schools. I hear such nonsense spoken about schools and what they do and don't do. Well on Monday morning staff could be very proud and parents if they had seen them. Key stage one came into the hall so well and listened. When you think how young they are its amazing and for me really good fun to share the Easter story with them. Then it was key stage 2 turn. They maybe older and more aware of growing up. Yet they too proved to be normal kids with interacted with me, laughing and sharing as again we went through the events of Holy Week. So with hello Mark and high fives as they left the hall some 420 pupils and staff touched base on the Easter story.
Sunday Evening we set the hall out for a Labyrinth so our Konnect 5 youth group could explore the choices that Jesus made in life. They were invited to think about those choices and to see if they might make similar ones for themselves. So 20 teenagers walked in silence , thinking, praying and hopefully learning.
Monday evening and time to share with 40 youngsters of our BB company plus their parents. With song, activity and prayer we marked out the importance of Holy week.
Maundy Thursday at St Peters and the table is set for an evening to recall Jesus sharing a Passover meal. So with food, song and breaking bread we marked out this Holy night . Going from the church into the night to recall afresh disciples running away leaving Jesus very alone.
Then to Good Friday procession at Firth Park. Always fascinating to see various reactions to people following s cross. We were joined by a woman who had escaped Syria . A man wanted to know how to join the church . Even s white man switched off his radio and made the sign of the cross.
In the evening back to St Petets for a Labyrinth of choices. People really took their time to walk the route. To read, pray, touch, taste, smell and to reflect upon the choices God in Christ made . And what about our own ? Do our choices reflect a life that reflects Jesus?
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