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My first appointment as a Methodist Minister saw me based in St Ives Cambridgeshire where I had pastoral charge of five churches. The Ecumen...

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Emmaus Road

Luke 24: 13-35 is the Gospel Reading for today. 

Its the Emmaus Walk.

Last night as we took our evening stroll we became conscious of someone getting closer and closer behind us.
I kept looking behind to make the point keep back.
But they didn’t take the hint.
They were practically touching us as we turned up our pathway.
How inconsiderate.

Well can you imagine today two friends from the same household!! Going for a walk . 
Then along comes a stranger who draws alongside them.
“Do you mind, Please keep the two metre rule”

Instead they ask why are you so down?
Haven't you heard theres a pandemic and we all need to keep our social distance.

Then they go onto to explain about it all.
What it means for everyone
Those on their own,
Those worrying about jobs,
Those worrying about their own safety.
Those having to go to Food banks.

And as the stranger talks its as if they can read the two friends minds.
Their fears which sometimes are overwhelming.
Fear of living.
Fear of dying.

And though they know they can’t
they would really like to invite the person into their home.
And as they are torn over this 
suddenly the stranger 
is no longer there.

Looking at each other 
they wonder who they really have been walking with.

Well the road to Emmaus 
does end 
with the invitation to the stranger
 to stop, stay and eat.

And as the stranger
breaks the bread
their eyes are open
Its Jesus!!
Then he’s gone.

And with his going
so are all their fears.
The sense of its all been for nothing gone.
and they rush back
to share the news
Jesus is risen.

I pray that we might all have a sense of the presence of God in Christ in our lives through this crisis.
Perhaps tomorrow if you are able to go for a walk, maybe with someone from your household, or on your own.
Let a sense of Jesus being with you as you walk become real.
Tell him how you really are feeling don't hold back.
And when ever you eat
Just remember as you break bread
Jesus is your host
and we put our trust in him.

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