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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

New leader

I decided to take time out to listen to the Labour leader make his first conference speach. Now as a reader of this blog put aside your political bias.

It was refreshing to hear a person speak without bile and stay true to his roots. My Granddad, a local preacher, councillor, town mayor J.P. And yes a Labour man through and through. Well he would have been delighted by what he would have heard.

 For once it did feel like someone saying what they really believe. What they have worked for all their lives, and inspite of becoming labour party leader sticking to their principals. Yet clearly he would be willing to debate with anyone, disagree and not then hold a grudge because he didnt get his own way or you didnt agree with him.

You can disagree about the need for upgrading trident, but ask yourself 'Would you really press the button that sends us all to armageddon ? If you wouldn't because that is morally indefensible then you dont need it! Have better equipped conventional forces oh and an extra hospital, school and staff to boot. 

We know that the largest part of the welfare bill goes on housing costs then it does make sense to both control rents and build new social housing. 

It was refreshing to hear a more visionary view of society that means things don't have to be the way they are. Yes that's why women got the vote, a health service for all was created and trade unions protected the vulnerable. 

Yes we do have the wealth and the means to do things differently. It's just can we really set aside our   selfishness to allow others to share what we have in abundance. 

My time in Ghana back in May reminded me that we just don't see what we have and value it. Just as I know as I work in Burngreave and Firth Park that for some this is a no go area. People often comment to me, as someone did only today, that they are looked down upon because they live here. 

The new Methodist Sheffield circuit was meant to create justice across our city in the life of the Methodist people. That has yet to find fruition as vested interests still seek to control resources for their places. 

Jeremy Corbyn has connected with people. I believe he will stick to his principals even if vested interests end up bringing him down. The Methodist people of Sheffield need to stick to their principals and connect with people in the community. They need however to see the original vision of the new circuit through because if they don't a moment in history will be squandered and we will become history. 

I'm not a joiner of groups, apart from the Iona Community, but I am tempted to join a Labour party that has a vision that reveals aspects of the Kingdom of God.

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