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Monday, 7 September 2015

read a good book lately? and a circuit service

Finally completed reading Karen Armstrong's book ' Fields of Blood Religion and The History of Violence'   excellent read as it explored the old chestnut of 'religion has caused more wars and suffering...' Not only does she write so well and is extremely knowledgeable, she is able with such clarity to explode this myth. For me it reveals that down through literally thousands of years humanity has sought to find meaning, sometimes it has shown itself as liberating and life enhancing. The way of love, peace, forgiveness compassion. Yet humanity has struggled against the need to create order so that it has been caught up with power and domination of the masses by a minority, and so there has been suffering war and violence. And it is political, its about people holding power. So we find even with so called secular societies where faith/religion is put to one side from the realm of politics e.g. the USA, violence & war still continues. Very often it has created more death and suffering than regimes of the past associated with a religion. Its an amazingly complex subject and Karen captures that complexity. So a very good but challenging read one to be recommended. Local readers can borrow my copy.

Well last night the new Methodist year kicked off with a circuit service at our Woodseats Church. It was good to see the place full, with lay leadership within the service. We welcomed Keith Blinston as a lay pastor in the circuit and celebrated with a presentation of a number of long service certificates for Local Preachers.

 It was for me the end of a long day following morning worship at Firth Park and  then preaching and leading communion at our Family Worship centre congregation in the afternoon. The later being a largely Ghanaian congregation with lively singing, movement and of course a longer service took me back to my recent time in Ghana. As always it was a joy to be with them. I feel welcome there and a sense of belonging to them, just as much as any of our more traditional congregations. Its going to be good at the outset of October when our morning congregation will join them in the afternoon as we continue to learn to grow more closely together. 

Well tomorrow brings a staff meeting in the morning and then a gathering of all our leaders of worship and preachers. We will share food together, some buisness and holy communion as a way of beginning a new Methodist year. It really does feel like I have not been away but its also good to get back into a routine and recconect with people. 

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