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Friday, 7 August 2015

Back in action and a rest day cat sitting

Well it didn't take long . A trawl through my e.mails deleting the majority revealed what has and has not been happening within the circuit. Playing catch up means taking  on board lots of information without having been party to the various conversations. It just shows how as wonderful as modern technology is e.mails in themselves can muddy the waters. They just don't convey what you need to know and increasingly I will want to avoid using them in future.

So I am still left wondering what can be really done to lighten  my pastoral load and I am not very hopeful. But I remain determined not to return to a manic work pattern. So its two sessions a day.

So following meetings on Wednesday we had a rest day swap. This saw us go into action to help daughter number two as a gap in cat sitting had arisen. So a trip south saw two very happy cats greet us as we walked into feed them. Meg and Jeffrey house cats and the later a very nervous character. For once they allowed us to stroke them they know which side their butter is on!

So day off saw us give morning and evening feeds and then a morning feed and trip back to Sheffield. So what to do with a rest day?

Well it turned into a lovely day as we headed first into Banbury

and then a visit to Broughton Castle and grounds.

The history was fascinating and the gardens a delight. So back to work once more and services at Pitsmoor and Warren this weekend.

On saying goodbye to the cats we had to go and find them with Meg sitting happily on a cottage beam.

Even a day away meant the garden began to wilt without a daily water. So its harvest more courgettes,

and see the green beans at last getting going. Finally I spotted a tomato is beginning to turn red at last.
While in Banbury we succumb to temptation as they had a market and we ended up buying another climbing rose.

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